Saturday, February 6, 2010

I did a Marathon Today

Well, does 4.5hrs on my bike delivering count, its the same amount of time I want to run the marathon in! ... Yeah, four and a half hours, and I didn't finish - that's what I get for taking Thursday off as well as my usual Friday, and a big load of envelopes turning up on Friday. It's going to be a fun long run tomorrow ... I've been drinking lots of water, plus Powerade, I didn't push it at all, kept the bike on a nice low gear for easy riding ... lets hope it all worked!

So my 11k Marathon pace run this morning? It went great! You can see from my Nike+ graph that I was a bit up and down trying to keep the pace the same, but overall it came out at 6:10/km which is about what I was aiming for. It was a nice run, I was able to sing along to my ipod and just enjoy, not that I don't enjoy my other runs, but there is something about running slower and easier that makes for a nice run :)

Tomorrow, 22.5k (14mile) ... will be the longest I've run (as will most Sunday's long runs from now on), Deirdre and I are running together ... we both agreed to go out half an hour later, I found it hard getting up this morning and feel I need a bit extra sleep, she is going out to a party tonight and is expecting to feel it in the morning. I think we'll both be happy to go slow tomorrow, me because I've probably over done it, her because she will be probably slightly dehydrated, fine pair we will be!

I still have about an hour or so delivering to go so I'm going to have to drag my tired legs out later tomorrow to do that as well, after I've run. I tell ya, if it wasn't for the ice cream and apple slice I had for "lunch" at about 4.00pm after I finished on my bike, with all that exercise I should look like a stick!


  1. Biking is a great cross training for runners. Have fun on your run tomorrow.

  2. Ice cream and apple slice sounds pretty good! Funny how I honed in on that section!
